We’ve got a real fun one today, friends. I got the opportunity to talk to the one and only Katrina Creed out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I got my first opportunity to see Katrina wrestle at IWS Scarred 4 Life. You know I had to ask about what that was like, as well as much more. So let’s not waste any more time, ahead of Katrina’s Womens Championship match against Melanie Havok at IWS: Hardcore Heat, let’s get to know Katrina Creed.

At what moment did you realize you wanted to be in the wrestling business?
Ever since I was a kid, I would fantasize about becoming a wrestler throughout different points of my life. I only ever really knew for sure that I wanted to be part of the wrestling business in some capacity after my first practice.
How did you get started in wrestling?
I actually started off as a valet for Fernando de la Cruz (currently wrestling as Matt Viviani). I wrestled a few matches in early 2020, but the pandemic put a stop to just about everything for everyone. I only began having matches again in late 2022, and it’s only been since about March that I’ve been wrestling just about every weekend (sometimes multiple times a weekend).
Who would you say is your biggest influence in wrestling?
I don’t think I have any dominant influence in wrestling. Some wrestlers like to pattern themselves after one or a few wrestlers, but I usually see something I like in any good performer, so I am always open to learning from any source whenever I can and integrating that into my work.
It’s hard to just have one favorite wrestler. Who is on your Mount Rushmore of wrestling?
Oof. I really do not think I can classify anyone in my overall top 4, as it is continually rotating. I feel the more I learn about wrestling, the more my perspective on it changes. I’m able to subsequently appreciate things in people’s work that I may have previously overlooked, changing their standing.
With that, I think Kurt Angle, Bret Hart and Chris Benoit are three of my favourite people to consistently watch. I find myself always appreciating and going back to their work, finding something new to pick apart every time.
Who is currently your favorite wrestler?

Again, it is tough for me to currently nail down a favourite; however, I think Rhea Ripley is incredible. She is such a fantastic worker, and my heart honestly swells with pride when I see a woman as kick-ass as her doing as amazing as she is.
What is one match of yours that you are most proud of?
I do not know if I can pinpoint just one, as there are a few matches I am especially proud of so far. I am proud of them usually because I felt either during the matches themselves or upon watching them that I grew as a performer to some degree:
Against Jessika Black at XZW in April 2023
Against Dani Leo at Chinlock Wrestling in May 2023
Against Kristara at Acclaim in June 2023
Who would you want to face in your dream match?
This is more specific to the local scene here, but I always wanted to face Jody Threat. I think she has an incredible intensity and energy to her, and I feel like we would both put each other through the wringer, haha.
Who’s that up-and-coming wrestler no one is talking about but should be?
I don’t know if I could say that no one is talking about them, but Kristara and Karl Jepson are two amazing workers from Québec who are up-and-comers and should definitely be getting more recognition!
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about getting into wrestling?

Make sure you sign up to a reputable school with coaches who have a good track record, and most importantly, who have good connections in the local industry and beyond. It hurts like a bitch starting off, but if it’s for you, you’ll feel it in your heart and soul and continue regardless. We all never know if we’re gonna make it to the big leagues, so may as well enjoy the journey as much as possible :).
Favorite venue you have performed in?
L’Olympia in Montréal for sure! It is such a beautiful and huge venue! I honestly feel so grateful that I was able to perform in such a place.
What’s your pre-match routine or superstitions?
I don’t have any superstitions, so I don’t have any specific routine before going out.
I’m sure the car rides are long, so what’s on your playlist?
Although I am a huge metalhead, I honestly listen to pretty much everything. I actually try to come up with a playlist that isn’t too heavy, so everyone in the car can appreciate it (although sometimes I may accidentally add a few too many heavier tunes anyway, whoops).
What food spot are you hitting up while on the road? What are you ordering?
Whatever we end up coming across, I ain’t picky if I am really desperate. More recently, I have been trying to be more strict about meal prepping before going out on the road.
What do you say to the people who say wrestling is fake?

It sure doesn’t feel fake.
What is the one thing you would change about the wrestling business?
I’m not huge on politicking, which definitely has its place in the industry. If that could be mitigated somehow, it would be nice.
If you weren’t in the wrestling business what would you be doing?
Pretty much what I’m doing now! I currently work at a not-for-profit and am in the midst of finishing off my psychology degree. I eventually plan on going to grad school as well if the stars align.
What are your goals for 2023?
My main goal for this year was to get an American booking, which I was able to mark down for October!
Other than that, I generally of course want to improve as a wrestler in any capacity that I can.
When it’s time to hang them up, what do you hope people will say about your wrestling career?
Oh man, I cannot think that far ahead. The mere thought makes me uneasy and it honestly isn’t anything I am focusing on just yet.
Where can the fans see you perform next?
I usually can be found in feds around Québec and Ontario. Over the next few weeks, I will be performing for BCW (Québec), IWS (Québec) and CCW (Ontario).
You wrestled at IWS Scarred 4 Life, which was IWS’s first PPV on Fite +. What was the vibe like in person, as it was one of the biggest moments in the promotion’s history?

It was honestly incredible being part of such a landmark moment for IWS. Personally, I remember going to IWS shows back in the late 2000s and early 2010s, so it’s honestly pretty insane to be part of something so huge for the company. IWS fans are legitimately some of the best, they are so reactive to everything. So the ambiance was pretty electric as usual!
Now if I may ask a follow-up to a follow-up? You then wrestled for their Ringless event Blood for Blood. What goes into preparing for such a unique setup?
Honestly, we just brought in a few mats to wrestle on. It was the easiest ring setup ever, haha. If only it could always be that easy. With respect to preparing the match, I honestly thought it would be very similar to Friday Night Speedball. For those who do not know, Friday Night Speedball is a Twitch livestream that happens whenever Speedball Mike Bailey comes back to Montréal (and involves some of the students he trained at the dojo). It’s a pretty fun show to take part in, where there are outrageous stipulations and we usually do mat wrestling/takedowns and strikes. Of course, I didn’t think Blood 4 Blood was going to be as comedic, but I figured the matches would be subdued in that sense. As I was planning the match with my opponent, Maria Belmont, I started realizing, ‘Nah man, this is straight up gonna be a hardcore match,’ haha. It was honestly so much more fun than I thought it would be! I can’t wait to do it again. Keep your eyes peeled for the next one!
What can the fans expect when they come out and see you live in person?
I think I bring a lot of intensity and energy to my matches. I really try to take the fans along for the ride and experience everything in the ring with me, as best as I can.
Where can fans go to follow you on Social Media?
Instagram: kat.creed
Twitter: KatrinaCreed

I want to extend a massive to Katrina for her time! Make sure you follow her on all her social media and check her out when she wrestles in a town near you. As always, keep it locked here to get to know the best independent wrestlers from across the world.