Here at Love Wrestling, we endeavour to catalog all the memes and inside jokes of pro wrestling before they become overused and about as impactful as a superkick. Whether the meme was exclusive to our fandom or co-opted from the zeitgeist at large, you’ll find it here!
Where’s the Kaboom?
You already know what I’m getting at, and in truth I’d like to get it out of the way. Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley faced off in the main event of Revolution in an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match, a match popularized in Japan by legendary pro-wrestler Onita. Given the history of the match and the hype going in, fans were expecting a very theatrical explosion. This was – you know.

To a degree it was heartbreaking. Mox and Omega put on a critically acclaimed match and Eddie Kingston gave us a beautiful face turn by diving on his former friend to protect him but the explosion itself failed to match the intensity and drama provided by the performers.
All you can do sometimes is laugh, right? Queue the memes.
Thigh Slapping
The act of thigh slapping has often been used to exaggerate the sound of moves like the superkick connecting. (oh god am I writing this?) But with said superkicks being as common as a headlock, thigh slaps have been far too prevalent in wrestling. (oh no I really am) WWE has taken action on their own programming, going as far as to fine talents who slap them thighs. (someone help me) If this wasn’t ripe for memes, what is?
And tragically, an unintended consequence of the thigh-slapping ban became the unofficial roasting of one Johnny Gargano.
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