What’s a more killer way to return to the Get To Know Spotlight interviews than to chat with none other than Reid Matthews? …..Wait. I already talked with Reid, so is this a part two? It couldn’t be. *Scratches my head in confusion* Oh yes, that’s right! I had to triple-check it, but I’m almost certain today’s guest is none other than Marz The Specialist out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
All jokes aside, Marz is one of my favorite independent wrestlers in the world. I first came across Marz while he was wrestling for Love Pro Wrestling and was immediately drawn to his style. I couldn’t do this series without having him on. We chatted about his influences in wrestling, being a member of Se7en, his upcoming match at LPW 20 against the RADz and so much more. Without further ado, let’s Get To Know Marz The Specialist.

At what moment did you realize you wanted to be in the wrestling business?
The first moment I saw Edge wrestling in the ring, which I believe was my second time ever watching wrestling. Oddly enough, it was during his weird Kane feud in 2010, but my child brain didn’t know what was happening besides he was good in the ring and cool.
How did you get started in wrestling?
I started training back in 2021 and quickly started doing the independent shows that were running around the end of COVID-19 times. So not a lot of variety at the time, but I was lucky that I started when everyone was in one place, so I could meet and pick everyone’s mind.
Who would you say is your biggest influence in wrestling?
Biggest influence is easily Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan. Looking at how I portray myself in the ring, my moveset, and a lot of my mannerisms, I think it is a pretty easy tell.

It’s hard to just have one favorite wrestler. Who is on your Mount Rushmore of wrestling?
I always say I have two Mount Rushmores, personal favorites and just the general Mount Rushmore. My own is Bryan Danielson, Edge, Eddie Guerrero, and Mick Foley, whilst the all-timers are Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, and The Rock.
Who is currently your favorite wrestler?
Current favorite is still probably Bryan Danielson or Edge. It has been flipping a lot recently.
What one match of yours that you are most proud of?
Nailing down to absolutely one is so hard for me, so I’m going against the question and doing a few! Me and Steven Crowe, literally all of them. My best opponent if you ask me. Our first banger at LPW 4 is still one I bring up to this day, and I absolutely adore our Iron Man Match. Myself and TJ Cannon, specifically our 2 out of 3 falls in Winnipeg and even more our LPW 15 match, which is also to many the dumbest match on my body. Myself and Reid Matthews, our feud of summer 2022 ending with our 3 Stages of Hell is probably my favorite string of matches with a person. Any time me and Shaun Moore are together, specifically at Big Visions Wrestling. Finally, The Short Kings, myself and Reid, vs Jordan Oasis and Malik Melo at WrestleCore. Quite possibly the most adrenaline I’ve ever had in a match.
Who is your dream match?
Bryan Danielson is the easy answer. Travis Williams is definitely up there because it still has somehow never happened. But the impossible dream match is probably Kurt Angle.
You’ve mentioned Danielson a few times as his career seems to be winding down according to him. What is your favorite match of his career?
That’s a tough one for me, but I can narrow it down to two for sure, with two honourable mentions. Honours go to the WrestleMania 30 Main Event Triple Threat and Summerslam 2013 main event vs John Cena. I remember watching WrestleMania 30 at 14 years old with a good friend of mine in a movie theater, so not necessarily a live crowd but still a good chunk of Canadians out here enjoying wrestling. And the theatre erupting in YES’s when he won is something I’ll never forget. The John Cena match has less of a story, it’s just a match I used to study a bunch.
The top two for me are vs Brock Lesnar Survivor Series 2018 and vs Zack Sabre Jr at WrestleDream. Maybe recency bias on the latter, but as a man who goes by “Technical Tactician,” I can’t pass up two of the best technicians going at it. And the Brock match for the longest time was my favorite, I remember watching with my family, all getting mad at another Brock Lesnar squash. How wrong we were! I absolutely love this match.
Who’s that up-and-coming wrestler no one is talking about but should be?
Honestly, Riley Cruz and Jared Rogers are the two off the top of my head. Jared has worked so hard since I first saw him step into a ring at a Clandestine mini-camp. Riley had a match with me at PPW in Saskatoon and for less than 10 matches in, absolutely blew me away. Keep an eye out for them.

What advice do you have for anyone thinking about getting into wrestling?
My advice isn’t anything special really. Open mind, take in as much information as possible, and be open to taking in that information. Being stubborn kills learning opportunities. And just work as hard as possible.
What is you favorite venue to perform in?
Favorite venue is easily the Saddledome for the PWA Battle at the Dome. It meant so much to be able to perform on that stage in front of all those people. I even had some people who I haven’t talked to in years message me about it because they were there and happened to see me. An incredible day.
What’s your pre-match routine or superstitions?
Biggest one I can think of is after I’m done wetting my hair and getting everything ready I start pacing around just getting in the zone to get into the match. Pure mental game for me.
I’m sure the car rides are long so what’s on your playlist?
I have a very large variety of music I listen to. Rock, punk, pop, video game music, and a lot of wrestling themes. Me and TJ Cannon like to joke that Steven Crowe’s “Rhinestone Cowboy” theme kept us alive on many late-night drives.
What food spot are you hitting up while on the road? What are you ordering?
Everyone who knows me knows the answer is Denny’s. Absolutely love all-day breakfast, and anything brunch wins my heart. My go-to’s are either breakfast sandwiches or the Slam Burger.
What do you say to the people who say wrestling is fake?
I don’t get the “wrestling is fake” complaint. I watched fight scenes in movies, games, and cartoons and that’s what I always compare it to to those that aren’t sports-oriented. “You watched Game of Thrones? You know the fight scenes aren’t them actually fighting and that those stories are told by actors, not real soldiers, kings and queens?
” Wrestling is melodrama, it’s tragedy, triumph, it’s love, it’s heartbreak. Wrestling is my favorite form of storytelling in the world.

What is the one thing you would change about the wrestling business?
I guess what I would change is less purely wrestling and more so an entertainment and workers rule. For me, though, I wish there was less risk with travel and work in other countries. Travel is one of my favorite parts of wrestling, and most Canadian wrestlers know how hard it can be to expand beyond the borders.
If you weren’t in the wrestling business what would you be doing?
It’s honestly hard for me to say. I love entertainment so I would probably still do something acting or skit-wise but besides that, I would probably pursue something full-time in the fitness industry.
Who knows, I still might, to supplement my wrestling career. For now, I’ve done some classes, but nothing beyond that.
What are your goals for 2023?
For the rest of 2023, it’s to try and get out as much as I can to other provinces and entertain as much as I can. Into next year I want to slowly start expanding into different countries and see how far I can go. America is the big one but I would also love Japan or Europe!
When it’s time to hang them up, what do you hope people will say about your wrestling career?
Everyone who knows me knows I want to be the best in every aspect of the word. I want to be the best in the ring, the best flyer, the best technician, the best entertainer, best talker. I don’t know how to explain it, but it all stems from the desire to be remembered. When I’m long gone and passed I want future generations to talk about me for years to come. The idea of being just a little blurb in the course of history doesn’t sit right. I want people to mention my name for generations to come.
Where can the fans see you perform next?
Every month at Love Pro Wrestling and Clandestine Wrestling Society and at the time of writing this, I’m also going to PPW in Saskatoon this weekend!

What has it been like to be a part of Se7en, one of the fastest-rising factions in Canada?
Like I said previously, I love storytelling. And for me, that story we were able to tell upon Se7en becoming a thing, with the initial three months of me still being how I’ve always been, to the turn on Steven Crowe in May after the match with TJ – that is what I love, not just being in a group with two of my best friends, but to expand myself into something I never thought of and tell unique stories that the fans can engage in. That night of the turn, the whirlwind we brought everyone on is something I love.
Speaking of Se7en, you guys have a pretty huge matchup against the RADz coming up at LPW 20. The losers’ manager has to leave LPW. Are you prepared for life after Thaddeus Archer The 3rd or is that simply not an option?
By no means is this to discredit what Thaddeus does for us, but if something were to happen to him, or any one of us really, we’re all more than capable of handling ourselves and going through whatever we need to.
That being said, though, there’s no need to worry about it. Thad isn’t going anywhere, but Ben will have a one-way ticket to a retirement home once LPW 20 is over this month.

What can fans expect when they see you wrestle?
When one comes out to see me, they can expect to see someone who will give his all every time. Like I’ve stated before, I think wrestling is the best form of storytelling, and I want to tell an engrossing story every time I’m out there. I want everyone to feel engaged and want to make sounds, boo or cheer, towards what’s happening in the ring. And to that end, people can expect me to put my body on the line in crazy stunts and moves, a technical showcase, a show of power and high-flying combat, a little bit of everything, really, to put on the best show.
Where can fans go to follow you on social media?
I’m on Instagram, Tiltok, and Twitter (X, ew) @MarzSpecialist and Facebook Marz the Specialist. You can also find me and Reid’s comedy skits and podcasts on YouTube and Spotify – Short Kings on both platforms!

This was a blast and an honor for me, so a huge thank you to Marz The Specialist. Please make sure to follow him on all his socials and chat with him live when he comes to a town near you. Or, as he said, catch him at the end of the month at our home promotion Love Pro Wrestling. As always, keep it locked here for future interviews with the best independent wrestlers from all over the planet.