I’m very excited to be back with the next installment of Get To Know. Today we are talking with one of my absolute favorite wrestlers TY Jackson out of Toronto, Canada. TY was one of the first wrestlers I gravitated towards when Love Pro Wrestling began. Sure, Jackson’s group the RADz and I haven’t always seen eye to eye. That never changed the fact that he is incredibly talented inside the squared circle, plus Jackson’s in-ring style is one of the reasons I became a fan. This one is really special to me and I’m stoked to get the opportunity to sit down with TY ahead of the Oil Rumble at Roger’s Place for LPW and talk about his upcoming match there. Plus we chat about his start in the business, what’s the RADz focus in 2024 and much more so without further delay let’s Get To Know the one and only TY Jackson.

At what moment did you realize you wanted to be in the Wrestling business?
I don’t think there was a specific moment when I realized I wanted to be in the wrestling business; wrestling was always a part of my life, and it seemed inevitable that I would be a part of it someday. However, if I had to pinpoint something, it would be the match between AJ Styles and John Cena at the 2016 Summerslam PPV. I already knew I wanted to be a wrestler, but that match solidified my decision.
How did you get started in Wrestling?
In early 2017 I did some googling for pro wrestling schools in the area. I came across a couple of different options, including Lance Storm’s Academy in Calgary. Ultimately, I ended up attending a local training school in Edmonton called Monster Pro Wrestling which was doing a 2-day minicamp. I attended, and the rest is history.
Who would you say is your biggest influence in wrestling?
I think my influences have changed over time, but I’d say the New Day (Kofi, Xavier, and Big E) and Mustafa Ali are the people I try to model myself after, both inside and outside of the ring.

It’s hard to just have one favorite wrestler. Who is on your Mount Rushmore of Wrestling?
My personal Mount Rushmore of wrestling would consist of Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, and AJ Styles. This is based on my favorites though, obviously, there are all-time greats that are in a category of their own.
Who is currently your favorite wrestler?
It’s hard to pick a favorite wrestler, luckily for me, all of those in my Mount Rushmore are still active wrestlers. But I’d say Kofi and AJ.
What one match of yours you are most proud of?
I had the opportunity to have a match with John Morrison in mid-2022 – which arguably was the most exciting and nerve-wracking experience I’ve had in wrestling. Morrison was one of those wrestlers that I grew up loving and always thought he was severely underrated. All these years later, to be able to be in the ring with someone that you watched as a kid will always be a surreal feeling. Not to mention, he’s a sweetheart of a human being.
Who would you want to face in your dream match?
For me, it would probably be AJ Styles. I first learned about him from playing the TNA Impact video game as a kid, and I think he will go down as one of the best wrestlers in history.
Who’s that up-and-coming wrestler no one is talking about but should be?
To shine a spotlight on some local people, I think Alix Rain, Jared Rogers, and Weston King are a few people to look out for. All three of them are unique and talented in their own ways, and most importantly, they’re good people.
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about getting into wrestling?
I would say the biggest thing would be believing in yourself. It can be intimidating to take that first step, but once you do everything just seems to naturally fall in place – and as long as you’re willing to learn and be open-minded, people will be more than happy to help you out along the way.
Favorite venue you have performed in?
There are a couple of sweet venues I’ve had the chance to work in, the two that come to mind are the Rec Room and Midway Music Hall. However, the Oil Rumble is coming up soon, and if everything goes smoothly, Rogers Place will solidify itself at the top of that list.

You mentioned the Oil Rumble at Roger’s Place, So how does it feel to a part of the 1st independent wrestling show to run there?
It’s honestly surreal, personally, I’ve attended so many events in that arena. It really feels like a full-circle moment for me, and it says a lot about the hard work and talent that the Love Wrestling crew has put in to make this happen. History will be made that night, and I’m glad to be a part of it.
What would getting a win on that big stage over Reid Matthews and Som of Irish, Other Day 1 LPW talents mean to your career?
The pressure to win a match on such a big stage, against two very talented competitors, is exponentially higher than normal. Leaving this match with a win proves to everyone that despite the circumstances, I rise up to the occasion and get it done.

What’s your pre-match routine or superstitions?
Aside from the stretching and physical stuff, I always like to take a moment before every match to take in the fact that I’m living a childhood dream. It can be easy to take stuff for granted, but I try to set aside a few minutes to be thankful.
I’m sure the car rides are long so what’s on your playlist?
My playlist is mostly filled with Hip-Hop and R&B – but I’m a fan of all types of music.
What food spot are you hitting up while on the road? What are you ordering?
You can’t go wrong with a burger, especially after the show when everything is closed. But if we can get there early enough, Subway is my choice.

What do you say to the people who say wrestling is fake?
To be honest, I don’t think this bothers me as much as it might for others. I think the “wrestling is fake” argument just stems from ignorance and lack of understanding. As fans, we all know the unique form of entertainment that professional wrestling is, and therefore we shouldn’t worry about those who try to dismiss it.
What is the one thing you would change about the wrestling business?
I think every form of entertainment has its flaws, and wrestling is no different. The wrestling culture has improved greatly over the years, but there’s always space for improvement when it comes to being inclusive to people of different cultures, backgrounds, etc.
If you weren’t in the wrestling business what would you be doing?
I believe that my passion is in entertainment. So if I wasn’t wrestling, I’d probably do more stand-up comedy or take on acting more seriously.
What are your goals for 2024?
I have many, but I’d say the biggest would be putting myself out there more. That includes doing more shows across the country, meeting new people, utilizing social media more.

I’d be hard-pressed not to ask about The RADz and the up-and-down 2023 you guys had. What’s the focus like for one of Canada’s favorite factions in 2024?
2023 was a rollercoaster of a year for the RADz, the highs were really high, and the lows were really low. But despite the hardships, the group is stronger than ever, which goes to show that there is nothing that can get in between us – and we plan to solidify ourselves once again at the top of LPW, and any other promotion we step foot in.
When it’s time to hang them up, what do you hope people will say about your wrestling career?
I want people to remember me as someone who gave them cool moments. These moments could be a great match, cool move, inspiring promo, etc., but to me, moments are what last forever, and might inspire someone else to become a wrestler as well.
Where can the fans see you perform next?
I’m usually all over the place in Alberta, so you’ll find me somewhere at least once every week. But coming up next is the Oil Rumble in Rogers Place on January 21st.
What can the fans expect when they come out and see you live in person?
Despite where you see me, I’ll make sure to make it memorable. Whether I’m with the RADz or riding solo, you’ll always be entertained in a TY Jackson match.
Where can fans go to follow you on Social Media?
Instagram @t.y.jackon and X @T_Y_Jackson

Well there you have it. A huge thank you to TY Jackson for All his time. Make sure you follow him on all his social medias and catch him live when he wrestles in a town near you. Ashley always keep it here for more interviews with your favorite independent wrestlers from across the globe.