We got ourselves a bonus Get To Know this week as I’m joined by one of the greatest managers in Canadian wrestling history. He’s out of Edmonton,Alberta, Canada none other than Thaddeus Archer The 3rd. The manger of Se7en has a lot on his plate this week as he is faced with a Manager leaves town matchup at LPW 20: Planet, Slammet, Janet on October 26th. With all that going on it didn’t stop Thaddeus from swinging by and discussing his historic career from his start in this business to who has influenced the way he manages his clients and much more. So let’s not waste any more time and Get To Know, Thaddeus Archer The 3rd:

At what moment did you realize you wanted to be in the Wrestling business?
I never really thought I could get into the business outside being a writer, and even then when I stopped pursuing my dream of being a writer/author, never thought I could be a part of it. But probably wanted to from the Attitude era on.
How did you get started in Wrestling?
Very untraditional but I started a backyard in a bar company. I didn’t know how to get into wrestling. Someone found me at one of our events and asked me to ring announce for actual pro wrestling and been around ever since.
Who would you say is your biggest influence in wrestling?
Bobby The Brain Heeanan, without any hesitation. But I’ve studied many managers for years, WCW Paul E Dangerously and Memphis era Jimmy Hart are some other favorites.

It’s hard to just have one favorite wrestler. Who is on your Mount Rushmore of Wrestling?
Whenever someone asks me I throw managers in there. So Heenan, Heyman, Sherri Martel and Jimmy Hart.
Who is currently your favorite Manager in Wrestling?
Currently active, Paul Heyman. The wiseman, he just gets all of it and adapts as he goes. He’s done some of his best work in years with the Bloodline storyline
I have to say I’ve been pretty impressed with Prince Nana of late, who I never found that great in ROH, but he’s been doing a great job in AEW even outside of his dance.
What is the most important part of the manager role in your opinion?
Letting the talent shine. No better to articulate it but knowing when to be part of things and when to let the wrestlers do their thing. Managers get too much attention; takes the focus away from the action.
What one match of yours that you are most proud of?
Well I’m not a wrestler so can’t say any matches I’ve been part of were great from my standpoint. I’m very proud of the work I did in Dr.Kyotos retirement match, I have had the utmost respect for Dr.Kyoto for years, in fact he was the first ever Indie manager I saw live and in a sense showed me that there was an opportunity to do it at a local level. I tried to do my best to make his farewell match in Alberta the best experience.
Who is your dream Wrestler you’d love to manage for?
BVD. Brandon Van Danielson. Who isn’t currently wrestling, but I appreciate everything about him. The think the juxtaposition between how we look would make for some fun stuff and he’s an incredible wrestler. As for someone active, if he wasn’t influenced by his idiot friend ala the RADz, I think Rich King has a ton of potential. I don’t know if I like him but I like the cut of his jib.
Who’s that up and coming wrestler no one is talking about but should be?
Marz the Specialist, times a million. I mean I could say the same about Jack Pride but he’s more seasoned. Marz is young, hungry, dedicated and bursting with talent
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about getting into wrestling?
Train. Get to a training school and train. Feel what it’s like to bump, learn some basics. It’ll paint you a basic picture of how it all works and if you’re not in shape it’ll help get you there and motivate you. If you have trained, always show up. If you’re not going to wrestle and be a side character make sure you’re there to help every show and you never know what might come up.

Favorite venue you have performed in?
The Saddledome in Calgary. Working in front of thousands of people, in a venue that WWE had only ever worked in, in front of one of my idols growing up, Bret Hart and getting dragged out by security across the ice… priceless.
What’s your prematch routine or superstitions?
A tradition I’ve done for years, almost since I first started managing, is like William Regal. I wipe my feet before I entering the ring.
My Mount Rushmore of wrestlers has Regal in it. I was obsessed from him from the moment I saw him work. When I saw he did that and found out why he did I knew that would be something I’d do. It’s a sign of respect to everyone that’s putting their bodies on the line in that ring and paying respect to it.
I’m sure the car rides are long so what’s on your play list?
I’m notorious for a very eclectic taste in music. The podcast Coverville is a favourite source of free and interesting covers. Mostly punk, metal and old country though.
What food spot are you hitting up while on the road? What are you ordering?
I’m a sucker for supporting local business so I’d probably do a bit of online research on the way and find out the places the locals are gushing about
What do you say to the people who say wrestling is fake?
I’d probably laugh and say everything is fake nowadays, right?! I don’t really care to entertain those people. There’s no greater joy in wrestling than watching someone take their first bump. No one in that scenario will ever think wrestling is fake.
What is the one thing you would change about the wrestling business?
Tribalism. I try to change that already just through simple discussion. Let your people like what they like and not like what they don’t. To quote the boss “Don’t yuck anyones yum”.

If you weren’t in the wrestling business what would you be doing?
What I’m doing when I’m not at wrestling shows, spending time with my family.
What are your goals the rest of 2023 and into 2024?
Continue Se7ens dominance of LPW, but first the Judge must go.
When you brought Se7en together what was your thought process on picking out this group that has made huge waves in LPW?
Pride was what brought Se7en together. Throughout time there has always been a Se7en, in fact Jack Pride had already had an iteration of Se7en before that he wanted me to join. What had changed was that it truly was the time and place for this group. We had some of the best talent and we were all aligned with how we wanted to accomplish that through Pride.
When it’s time to hang them up, what do you hope people will say about your wrestling career?
That I was one of the best managers and/or content producers of my era for Indie wrestling in Canada. The Archer Report unintentionally became a key part of my career but I love having another creative output.

Where can the fans see you perform next?
As of now LPW 20 and 21 on the last Friday of October and November respectively. Love Pro Wrestling is currently the only place I’m plying my tremendous skills, but I am open to bookings elsewhere. I can manage, do colour commentary or interview!
By the time readers may see this you might be out of Love Pro Wrestling as the match against the RADz a losing Manager Leaves LPW match. What’s your mindset heading into that match?
Simple, to win, by any means necessary. There are only two outcomes here and there is only one I’ll accept, I need to win.
Does being involved in another Manager leaves LPW Match with Dr. Kyoto give you an advantage over Ben Oomen or is the unpredictable nature of these match something you can’t predict?
It certainly has given me experience in the ring. I’ve only ever been in a handful of matches during my long career but it’s put me ahead of Ben who really hasn’t had any. Nothing is unpredictable if you understand all the variables. This one, though, has more depth than my match with Dr.Kyoto because the RADz are a very tight unit. They will put everything they have into retaining Ben.
What can the fans expect when they come out and see you live in person?
They will hate me. And me hate them in return.
Where can fans go to follow you on Social Media?
@thaddeusarcher3 on FB and Twitter @thaddeusarcher on IG and Thaddeus Archer the Third or TA3TVv on Youtube

A huge thank you to Thaddeus for taking time out this week to tell his story. Make sure you shoot him a follow on all his social medias. Definitely do yourself a favor and check him out when he comes to a town near you. As always keep it locked here for your latest Get To Knows featuring the best independent Wrestlers from across the planet!