Deonna Purrazzo on the Knockouts Tag Team Titles and Kimber Lee
On January 16th, the IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championships will make their triumphant returns to TV following a seven-year absence. While she won’t be competing for the titles at that night’s Hard to Kill PPV, Deonna Purrazzo and her partner, Kimber Lee were participants in IMPACT’s recent tag team title tournament.
Purrazzo joined us recently to discuss the revitalized Knockout Tag Team Titles as well as her thoughts on working with Kimber Lee throughout her run in IMPACT.
Bringing back the tag titles was something that wrestling fans had clamoured for for the better part of a year. With so many natural partnerships on the roster, it was something that Purrazzo saw as both inevitable and as an incredible opportunity for the women in today’s wrestling scene, whether currently working for IMPACT or not.
“Yeah! I think women’s wrestling is so strong right now, and there’s so – there’s a plethora of women who just want an opportunity,” says the Virtuosa. “I think with the creation of the Women’s Tag Team Championships, and then Impact has so many Tag Team Championships right now, I think bringing those titles back would be an amazing opportunity for us. There’s so many of us that have alliances and have partnerships with other people that it makes sense. If there was ever a time to do it, and there was ever a time to grow a tag division, now would be the time.
There’s so many women that can be brought in to just aid to any roster right now. I think capitalizing on that would be super cool for Impact, especially, but for any company.
Throughout her time in IMPACT, Purrazzo has been paired with her curator, Kimber Lee. Of course, as evidenced by the recent Knockout’s Tag Title Tournament, Lee is far more than simply Purrazzo’s manager, assistant, or valet, but her tag team partner as well. It’s a paring that’s more than paid off for both women thus far.
“It’s – (in) Impact the women’s division is so great because it’s all a ton of girls that kind of were right before me, but I kind of came up with,” explains the Virtuosa. “They were the leaders of my generation, so to speak. So Kim was one of those girls, I had only wrestled once on the indies, and it was one of my favorite matches ever, but we only ever got to do it once. So, to kind of be in a place now that she’s kind of – we call her my curator.”
“Every Virtuosa needs a curator to be in a tag team with her, and to kind of be feeling out this process with people who are familiar feels incredible.”
Please credit Spencer Love/Love Wrestling with any transcriptions used.
On October 21, 2020, Deonna Purrazzo finally signed a long-term deal with IMPACT Wrestling, positioning her to be one of the faces of the brand’s expansion plans moving forward. It was a move that was widely praised throughout the professional wrestling industry; however, many were surprised that it had taken so long for the Virtuosa to sign with the promotion after making her IMPACT debut nearly five months earlier.
Purrazzo and I chatted recently to discuss her signing with IMPACT and the process behind committing to the promotion long-term.
While a contract may have taken longer than many fans may have expected, it was all by design, says Purrazzo.
“Well, I think that, for me, especially like the last – even before WWE and NXT, like, I was contracted to Ring of Honor – and then I left Ring of Honor and I went right to NXT, and there was no breathing room in between that,” she explains. “Now, I just think for me, it was I’ve signed two contracts. I wasn’t ready for what came with those things. I wasn’t necessarily happy with both of those contracts and the way my time had panned out. So, let’s take a step back and let’s kind of take a breather and see what happens and, you know, see, the way that creative sees me and the roles that I’m going to be put in and kind of feel this process out a little bit more now that I have some time.”
Of course, the current state of the world certainly didn’t help matters when it came to putting pen to paper.
“More than just personally, I mean, we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic, and I think that it’s not just a hesitation on my part. It’s also a hesitation on theirs,” Purrazzo comments. “Like, ‘where’s our company stand? Where do we see this person? Are we going to invest in this person in the long term?’ I don’t know why it’s maybe taken this long, but I think if I had to surmise why, it’s just like a mutual understanding of, like, ‘let’s see and wait,’ and then the world’s crazy. So let’s see and wait (for) what 2021 brings us, you know?”
“We’ve grown this like mutual respect for each other over the last four months and really developed a great relationship that I can only hope transpires for the next couple years.”
Please credit Spencer Love/Love Wrestling with any transcriptions used.
Spencer Love is joined by the reigning IMPACT Knockouts Champion, Deonna Purrazzo to discuss her move to IMPACT, working with Kimber Lee, female wrestlers who inspired her, what keeps her motivated, whether she’s a fan of the Knockouts name and so much more!
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While many rightfully regard IMPACT Wrestling’s women’s division as one of, if not the, strongest division in the world, there are still those who take umbrage with the division’s moniker of Knockouts. Despite the long-term history of the name and its importance to IMPACT’s branding, there are those who believe that the name should change to be more reflective of the current times.
In a recent interview on Love Wrestling, reigning Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo gave her thoughts on the Knockouts name, the history behind it, and why she feels it’s here to stay.
Purrazzo was all too enthusiastic in giving her thoughts on the name and why it should stay.
“Yeah!” she responded when asked if she was a fan of the division’s moniker. “There’s been a ton of pushback, like, right when I started with Impact of the Knockouts name and I love it. I grew up knowing them as the Knockouts.
I never felt a negative connotation towards it as a fan. I just feel like a Knockout is beautiful, is sexy, is powerful, is strong – is a Knockout, literally.”
“I like it. I think it’s different,” Purrazzo continued. “There’s other women’s divisions and everyone else is a woman, and I feel like it gets grouped in with the Diva era, but I think that the connotations and just the way that they were – I don’t know what the word I’m looking for – but the way that they were portrayed is completely different, what a Diva was and what a Knockout was, and I think Impact, and even when it was TNA, developed a really strong women’s division by branding them as Knockouts and then allowing them to be strong, powerful, sexy, top athletes in their company. I grew up watching Divas and feeling like I wanted to change that perception.”
“I’m happy to be a Knockout,” closed the Virtuosa. “I’m happy to be the Knockouts Champion, I’m happy to continue to build that brand with me now.
Please credit Spencer Love/Love Wrestling with any transcriptions used.